McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University   |   Raleigh, NC   |   October 14-15, 2025

Conference Speakers


Rick Tobar

Development Programs Manager, Celanese


Rick Tobar is Development Programs Manager for Celanese. Rick came to Celanese as part of the DuPont Mobility & Materials acquisition in November of 2022 and has worked for the combined organizations for 38 years working mainly in Market Development. He has held positions as Business Manager for Crastin PBT and Rynite PET polyesters, Market Manager for Consumer Goods, Furniture, Sporting Goods and Military segments and has had a focus on fibers, films and nonwovens during the past 10 years.
Tuesday, October 01
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Old Polymers Never Die - They Get Reused

Elastoester Polymer Enabling Sustainable Elastic Yarn and Fabrics

Neolast™ fiber is designed to offer elevated stretch performance while helping address sustainability challenges (including recyclability) associated with elastane, which is commonly referred to as spandex. Apparel designers can now create more sustainable power-stretch clothing that also delivers elite performance. Ðeolast(TM) fiber is melt spun using thermoplastic copolyester elastomer which is classified under the generic category of elastoester. The thermoplastic nature of the polymer enables melt processing, allowing fiber formation without the need for solvents. Celanese expertise in thermoplastic copolyester elastomer chemistry and formulation has led to innovation of two new grades of Neolast™ polymer created for fiber spinning.

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